Update as of Jan 21, 2021: Containment and curfew in Quebec, our construction sites remain in operation
Quebec Premier, Francois Legault, yesterday confirmed that the construction industry is essential and that it will continue its activities despite the containment and curfew measures that will apply starting Saturday in Quebec.
The REM infrastructure construction is therefore not affected by the measures announced by Quebec Government. This means that:
- Construction sites remain in operations.
- All activities that can be carried out by telework are strongly encouraged.
- Worksite trailers are still open, but teleworking is also strongly recommended for anything that can be done remotely.
- Despite the curfew, the planned night construction activities are authorized and are continuing as planned. These activities must be documented in advance.
All teleworking employees, as well as site workers, must continue to complete the Preventive Measures Form (QR Code) daily. The declaration is compulsory and must be finalized each day before 9 a.m.
Finally, we remind you that the strict application of the COVID-19 Protocol is intended to protect our families. This is a responsibility that rests with all our employees and that also avoid shutdowns in our operations. We count on each of you to make it happen. Let us repeat the main measures that need to be scrupulously observed: 2 meters-distancing, wearing of the procedure mask and frequent hand washing.
Update as of march 23:
The government of Québec announced today a series of new measures to spread the propagation of the virus, in what the Premier called “a critical period”.
These exceptional measures include shutting down our construction activities from March 24, 2020, at 11:59 p.m. to April 14, at 6:30 a.m. Until we shut down, it’s necessary to work to secure our sites as well as protect our infrastructure and equipment. The construction teams are already in action.
We know that you want to work and meet the challenges we have in front of us. However, in these difficult times, it’s essential to heed the guidelines of our government and protect society.
We will do what is necessary to mitigate the impact that this pause in our activities will have on you. We will keep you informed on the situation, as soon as possible.
Thank you for your support.
Update as of march 20:
- Lettre de Jaime Freyre, Combattons la COVID-19 (in french only):

message du directeur de projet
- Rappel des mesures prises au chantier (french version only)

Update as of march 16:
Update as of march 16 . |
Contenu de la page
- My responsibility
- Working from home
- For teams leaders
- Professional travel
- Personal travel
- Visitors to all offices and work sites
- Commuting outside Québec
- Hold or attend a meeting
- Preventing infections
- Forms – Demande de télétravail et déclaration d’absence (PDF)
- The application of basic hygiene rules remains the most effective way to prevent the spread of the disease.
- If you or a member of your family meet the criteria for COVID-19 infection:
- Do not come to work;
- Call public health services: 1-877-644-4545 in Québec
- Consult a doctor if necessary. The doctor will tell you when its time to come back to work.
- Inform your manager.
- If you or a member of your family contracted the virus:
- Call 1-877-644-4545.
- Inform your manager.
- Do not come to work.
If you have a laptop or tablet, you are reminded that you have the obligation to take it home every day. |
- Appliquer les bonnes pratiques d’hygiène afin de réduire la propagation des infections et des virus.
- Si vous ou un membre de votre famille répondez aux critères d’infection par le COVID-19 :
- Ne pas vous présenter au travail.
- Communiquer avec le service de santé publique avant de sortir (le 1-877-644-4545 au Québec).
- Consulter un médecin au besoin. Le médecin déterminera quand vous serez en mesure de retourner au bureau.
- Informer votre supérieur.
- Si vous ou un membre de votre famille a contracté le virus, veuillez :
- Téléphoner au 1-877-644-4545 pour se faire guider.
- Aviser leur supérieur immédiat et
- Ne pas vous présenter au travail.
Si vous avez un ordinateur portable ou une tablette, on vous rappelle que vous avez l’obligation de le ramener à la maison à la fin de la journée. |
- If you have a laptop or tablet, you are reminded that you have the obligation to take it home everyday. • If you have to work from home, but don’t have a business laptop or tablet, contact IT so that you can be set up to work from your personal computer • Any employee having to work from home due to the need for isolation or care of your loved ones must complete the (PDF) form, obtain the approval of your manager and forward all that information to as well as copying your manager. • If it’s not possible for you to work from home, please talk with your manager to see if you can help the project otherwise. • Be present at your meetings by videoconference or by phone. • Stay available for your colleagues, partners and the client. • When unforeseen short-term personal circumstances affect your availability, inform your manager as soon as possible.
- Schedule frequent meetings with your employees.
- Assure your employees you will be available.
- Be flexible and support your team members if they have to work from home or plan other work arrangements.
- Make sure that your teleworking employees due to the need for isolation or the care of their loved ones communicate this request to you and send the demande de télétravail et déclaration d’absence form to
- Make sure that your employees are aware of the information deployed by NouvLR and follow the directives.
- NouvLR’s offices and work sites are still open.
- Business travel outside Québec is not allowed, regardless of the region or country.
- Emergencies will be dealt with individually, on a case-by-case basis, and must be authorized by the COVID-19 monitoring committee (until further notice, please submit your request to
- Mandatory 14 days of isolation and working from home in case of return from a trip outside of Canada since March 15 (from any country) or the return of a close family member with whom you live.
- If this situation applies to you, please notify your HSE team and HR manager.
- Travel for personal purposes outside Québec is strongly discouraged. This includes weekend travel. If you must travel, you must notify your manager and indicate the dates of your departure and return, the destination, the country or countries where you transited and the transportation mode you will take.
- Mandatory 14 days of isolation and working from home in case of return from a trip outside of Canada since March 15 (from any country) or the return of a close family member with whom you live.
- If you are considering taking vacation, we remind you of your obligation to submit a request to your manager for prior approval.
- All visitors to NouvLR offices and construction sites returning from travel outside Canada (all countries combined) within the past 14 days, or presenting a combination of symptoms, will be refused access.
- To control the access to our sites, your visitors must first go to one of our project offices’ reception desks before accessing our premises.
- The site superintendent has the obligation to have a form filled out in order to identify all risk situations requiring exclusion.
- Visitors must complete the new form, each time they visit our offices or work sites.
- All commute outside Québec is strongly discouraged.
- All commute outside Canada, including the United States, is not allowed. Emergencies will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis and must be authorized by the COVID-19 monitoring committee (until further notice, please submit your request to
- No meeting of more than 100 people should be organized, and the events already scheduled are cancelled. Virtual meetings should be encouraged.
- Employees must not participate in meetings planned by third parties likely to bring together more than 100 people.
- All meetings (meetings, “toolbox meeting”, “Step back”, etc.) must respect;
- A minimum distance of 1 meter between each person;
- If the distance cannot be respected, reduce the number of participants and make several small groups.
Prevention tips Download PDF print format (link below picture)



- Demande de télétravail et déclaration d’absence (PDF)
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